
Every ml contains:
Oxytocin .................................. 10 UI
Water for injection q.s ................. 1 ml
1 unit is aproximately equivalent to 2.0 – 2.2 micrograms of pure hormone
(Veterinary Drug Handbook)
Rheintocin stimulates uterine contraction. It acts directly on the uterine smooth muscle causing rhythmic and synchronic uterine contractions.
Rheintocin exerts contraction effects on the vascular muscles as well as on other smooth muscles.
It regulates contractility of the Myoepithelial Cells around the udder alveoli.
It triggers milk let-down and promotes involution of post-parturient uterus.
Rheintocin may facilitate milk ejection although it lacks galactophore properties.
Uterine atonia ( primariy and secondary).
Speeding up of normal births
Control of post-partum hemorrhage
Expulsión of purulent secretion in: catarrhal endometritis, pyometra. Retention of the Placenta
As adjuvant to treatment and repair of Uterine prolapsus (displacement).
Stimulation of post-partum milk secretion and emptying of mastitic udders, prior to antibiotic therapy
Species: Ovines, caprines, bovines, equines, porcines, canines, felines.
Subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous.
For Obstetric use
Mare and cow: 75 - 100 IU IM/IV (7,5 – 10 ml)
Sow and sheep: 30 - 50 IU IM/IV ( 3 – 5 ml)
Female dog: 5 - 25 IU IM/IV (0,5 –2,5 ml)
Female cat: 5 - 10 IU IM/IV ( 0,5 – 1 ml)
Milk letdown:
Mare and cow: 10 - 20 IU IM/IV (1 – 2 ml)
Sow and sheep: 5 - 20 IU IM/IV (0,5 – 2 ml)
Female dog: 2 - 10 IU IM/IV (0,2 – 1 ml)
Female cat: 1 - 10 IU IM/IV (0,1 – 1 ml)
This dose will then have to be adjusted according to a Veterinary Doctor´s assesment.
Hypersensitivity reactions may be observed while using the hormone not synthetically produced.
Do not administer in pregnant animals until parturition
Do not use unless the birth canal is available and cervix dilated
Do not use fetal dystocia until abnormalities in presentation are corrected.
Do not administer in animals showing hypersensitivity to the drug.
Before administering oxytocin, hypoglycaemia and hypocalcaemia disorders should be tried to be diagnosed.
Do not administer along with corticosteroids
Intranasal use is contraindicated during pregnancy.
Keep out of the reach of children
Disinfect application area.
Ensure the instrumental, needles and syringes have been previously sterilized before removing product from container
Verify that the product inviolability system and storage conditions are appropriate before its use.
Veterinary use only
Hazardous product
Product not to be used on humans
Keep at a temperature between 10º and 25º C, sheltered from light.
10, 50 and 100 ml vials
Veterinary use