Rheinetic Plus Px

Each 100 grams of product contains:
Vitamin B1................................... 1.2 g
Vitamin B2................................. 0,30 g
Vitamin B6................................. 1,20 g
Vitamin B12................................. 4 mg
Nicotinic acid .................................. 4 g
Calcium Pantothenate ..................... 4 g
Lysine.......................................... 12 g
Methionine...................................... 8 g
Choline chloride ............................ 20 g
Monohydrate glucose .................... 44 g
Excipients q.s.............................. 100 g
Powder to mix in feed.
Rheinetic Plus Px is indicated as a hepatic protector in lacking cases of the B vitamins group and as coadjutant in different hepatic and extra hepatic pathologies of poultry and pigs like: organic or liver functional diseases convalescence, feed or medicine intoxications, infection convalescence, hepatitis and/ or hepatic insufficiency.
By oral means mixed in feed.
Preventive treatment: 250 grams every ton of feed.
Therapeutic treatment: 500 grams every ton of feed.
Duration: 3 to 5 days in a row.
Medicated feed must be consumed within the two weeks of preparation.
Do not store for future use.
Ask your Veterinarian Surgeon to adjust dosage according to the needs of the case.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Avoid direct sun light exposure over product.
Store in original container between 4º and 30º C.
The action of Rheinvit Plus Px is based on the contribution of natural products like vitamins, amino acids and sugar, added to the hepatic proteolysis
that supplies bile salts, allowing poultry and porcines a better absorption of liposoluble fat and vitamins.
The product can be used in cases of intoxication that affect the hepatic function, specially in feed intoxications caused by mycotoxines, allowing a fast recovery of the hepatic functioning with the consequent productive advantages in broilers, breeders, laying hens and pigs.
Its usage in broilers improves the feed conversion, body weight and daily increase of weight, specially when it is used as feed supplement during the first week of life and when formula changes are done in feed, specially the change from starter to finishing feed.
This happens because Rheinvit Plus Px allows a better use of feed and a better functioning of the poultry liver.
In breeders and laying hens, the routine use of Rheinvit Plus Px improves the eggs production and increases their size.
The periodic use of this product during the production phase (one week of treatment, 4 –5 weeks of rest) can be very useful.
5 and 25 kg containers
Veterinary use