Rheinvit B12

Iron Dextran
(equivaent to elemental iron)....... 200 mg
Vitamin B 12 (Cyanocobalamin.. 100 mcg
Water free of pyrogens q.s ............. 1 ml
Iron providing antianemic necessary for haemoglobin formation ( transport and use of O2), myoglobin and iron enzymes. It also provides vitamin B 12 that promotes an increase in erythrocytes production due to an increase in cell proliferation in the bone marrow.
Rheinvit B 12 is indicated to treathypochromic anemia caused by iron deficiency, eiher of nutritional origin following a low/ deficient ingestion during infancy, puberty and pregnancy, or those caused by massive blood loss, carcinoma, surgical and accidental wounds, pricking, traumatic, etc
It is specially indicated to prevent and treat newborn anemia, especially in piglets, lambs, colts and calves when deprived from access to the land.
Species: Bovines, equines, ovines, caprines, porcines, felines y canines.
Pigs: Three days alter birth administer: 100 to 200 mg ( 0.5 รณ 1 ml ), Repeat between their 7 and 21 days of age.
Bovines: Apply according to weight, from 500 mg to 1 g (2.5 ml to 5 ml )
Cats and dogs: 25 to 35 mg ( 0.12 ml to 0.17 ml )
Equines : 400 mg ( 2 ml ) at day 8. Repeat one weak later.
Ovines and Caprines: 300 mg ( 1.5 ml )between the second and fourth day.
It is contraindicated for use in cases of known hypersensitivity to its components or anemias different from those caused by iron deficiency.
It is also contraindicated for use in patients affected by acute renal infections and those concomitantly taking oral supplements with iron
Patients suffering from damage to the hepatic function must take extreme precautions.
To be used only when evidently necessary at recommended doses in pregnant animals
High Iron Dextran doses may lead to intoxication on ill animals. Therefore, ill animals must not be administered this medication.
Keep out of the reach of children
Disinfect application area.
Ensure the instrumental, needles and syringes have been previously sterilized before removing product from container
Hygiene conditions should be maintained before, during and after application of product.
Verify that the product inviolability system and storage conditions are appropriate before its use.
20, 50 and 100 ml vials
Veterinary use