
Sterile Injectable Antibiotic Solution
Each 1 milliliter of product contains:
Erythromycin 100 mg
Formulation agents q.s. 1 ml
Ready to use injectable solution of erythromycin.
Indicated for prevention and treatment of shipping fever and respiratory diseases caused by organisms which are sensitive to erythromycin. It is effective in infectious diseases when microorganisms have developed resistance to other antibiotics.
To apply in:
Bovines: Pneumoenteritis, infectious pododermatitis (hoof disease), metritis, respiratory tract infections, dysentery, mastitis, dehorning, shipping fever (stress).
Pigs: pneumoenteritis, metritis, respiratory tract infections, diarrhea in piglets.
Ovines: pneumoenteritis, respiratory tract infections, dysentery in lambs.
Meat bovines:
Apply at the rate of 1 to 2 ml. per 50 kilograms of weight.
Milk bovines: 400-kilogram cows: 8 to 16 ml.
Add 1 to 2 ml. for every extra 50 kilograms.
Dosage for bovines: 2 to 4 mg/kg/b.w.
Pigs: in cases of pneumonia, bronchitis, rhinitis and influenza: apply at the rate of 1 to 3 ml per 50 kilograms of weight.
Dosage for pigs: 2 to 6 mg/kg/b.w. In case of one week old piglets or more apply at the rate of 0,5 ml per 5 kilograms of weight.
Dosage in this case: 10 mg/kg/b.w.
Sheep: for dysentery prevention in newborn lambs or respiratory infections treatment apply at the rate of 0,5 ml. per 5 kilograms of weight.
Dosage in this case: 10 mg/kg/b.w.
In all species, the frequency of use is one daily dose.
Minimum length of treatment: 3 days
Ask your Veterinary Surgeon to adjust dosage according to the case.
Parenteral administration, by intramuscular means in the big muscles of the neck board or extremities. If more than one application is needed, distribute the application points. We suggest using a 2 inch x 16 caliber or 2 inch x 18 caliber sterile needle for application.
When more than one treatment is required, we recommend that the application points be distributed between the neck board and the
gluteus area.
In piglets apply only in the rump.
Deep intramuscular injections reduce the pain and local inflammation to a minimum.
Store in its original container in a cold and dry place, between 10 and 30 C. Do not freeze.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Use sterile instrumental to remove product from the container.
Avoid direct contact with the product. In the case of accidental exposure, wash with running water and soap.
In the application area a local reaction of the tissues might be observed that will disappear within a few days.
Avoid direct sunlight on the stored product.
Use restrictions:
Animals whose meat is destined for human consumption shall not be slaughtered until 14 days have passed in the case of bovines, 7 days in pigs and 3 days in ovines since the last treatment.
Do not apply in calves.
Cow milk shall not be destined for human consumption until 72 hours have passed ( 6 milkings) since the last application.
50 ml and 100 ml multidose vials.
Veterinary Use.