ErithroRhein S

Broad Spectrum Chemotherapeutic
Every 100 g of Eritrave Soluble contains:
Erythromycin Thiocyanate................ 5,6 g
Excipients q.s................. .............. 100 g
It produces immediate effects. ErithroRhein S reaches therapeutic levels in plasma, acting against the problem in the shortest time possible.
It is easy to be administered. ErithroRhein S is very soluble in water because it is the only product elaborated with Erytrhomycin Thiocyanate, unique Erythromycines soluble salt.
It is recommended for prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases caused by germs sensitive to Erythromycin, like mycoplasmas, primary agents in the complicated Chronic Respiratory Disease.
For the control of infectious Coryza (Haemophilus
paragallinarum) and the Fowl Cholera (Pasteurella multocide).
For the treatment and control of the infections
caused by: Staphylococcus spp, Streptococcus spp,
Clostridium spp and Erysipelothrix spp.
10 to 15 mg/kg. body weight in drinking water during 3-7 days. It is recommended to medicate suspending water from poultry during a period of 2 hrs. Then administer the medicated water that will be 25% of the consumed water during the day and as the only source of drinking water, with which a fast and effective therapeutic effect will be achieved.
0,5 g of ErithroRhein S per liter of drinking water during 3-7 days.
In severe cases: double the quantity of ErithroRhein S per litre of drinking water.
The suggested dosage will vary according to the opinion of your veterinary surgeon.
It is recommended to prepare the solution of ErithroRhein S necessary for the daily use.
Store in dry cool place between 4º and 30º C.
Avoid direct sunlight exposure of the stored product.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Use restrictions:
Withdraw the medication 2 days before the slaughter of poultry for human consumption.
Do not administer in laying hens producing eggs for
human consumption.
2,5 kg Container
5 kg Container
200 g Enveloppe
Veterinary use