
Chemotherapeutic - Oral use in drinking water
Every 100 ml contain:
Norfloxacin base ............................. 30 g
Excipients q.s. ............................100 ml
Oral Antibiotic solution to be used in drinking water
This product is a chemotherapic at a 30% norfloxacin concentration, specially indicated for the treatment of infectious diseases in poultry, caused by gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria and mycoplasmas.
It is indicated for use in bovines, porcines, and poultry in cases of respiratory and alimetary tract diseases caused by bacteria or micoplasmas ((pasteurelosis, micoplasmosis, colibacilosis, and salmonellosis).
7 mg / kg lw in drinking water
500 ml every 1000 litters of drinking water.
12 mg / kg lw in drinking water.
340 ml every 1000 litters of drinking water.
7 mg / kg lw in drinking water
250 ml every 1000 litters of drinking water.
Duration : 3 to 5 days for all species.
The treatment is continous.
Dilute in drinking water, ensuring that this hill be the only intake while medication is being administered.
Ask your veterinary surgeon to adjust dosage according to the needs of the case to be treated.
Store in a cool ad dry place, at temperatures between 4° and 25 °c.
Avoid direct sunlight on stored product.
Keep out of the reach of children.
The person handling this product must use rubber gloves, eye goggles, overall and mask
Keep adequate ventilation when product is applied.
Avoid direct contact of product with skin and eyes.
Do not contaminate water, food or other aliments for storage or residues.
Product container must not be punctured, nor perforated or cut.
Incompatibility with other products: nticoagulant, aluminu, cimetidina, xanthines in general.
To be used in in cases of nervous system disorders as well as in young animals with articular problems
it is also indicated for Myasthenia Gravis.
Orally administered, separated by 4 hour intervals between doses along with iron salts.
Do not use under hepatic or renal damage.
Prepare only the daily amount to be consumed
Use restrictions :
The meat of birds being treated should not be released for human consumption purposes until, 12 days after completion of the last treatment for poultry and 5 days for pigs
Do not administer to egg-laying hens whose eggs are destined for human consumption
1 l containers
Veterinary use